Tuscan Herb Olive Oil Toast Recipe







Make a flavorful start to your day with Tuscan Herb Olive Oil Toast. Use delicious fresh and gourmet ingredients to give it that wholesome delicious taste you’ve come to know with Gourmet Blends products.

– Avocado (from Calavo Growers, if possible)
– Tuscan Herb Olive Oil- Fresh made bread of choice.
(suggested: half whole wheat and white flour bread or sourdough)
– Eden Organic Seaweed Gomasio (Sesame Seeds, Seaweed & Sea Salt)
– Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter (Milk from Grass-Fed Cows) or butter of your choice.

Toast bread lightly. Spread bread in layers starting with the butter, then Tuscan Herb Olive Oil, next Avocado. Spread amounts to your taste and diet preference. Then sprinkle on top of avocado the Gomasio (or sesame seeds).Tuscan-Herb-Olive-Oil-Toast-Ingredients